Sunday, April 26, 2009

My manifestos

Random Manifesto I - "ART"

I would like to start off by saying this manifesto has been created merely as a gateway into some of my personal beliefs and explanations of those beliefs. This manifesto is going to be a sort of textual rant. 

Lets start of with my view on art. Art to me is form of expression that has been mastered by anyone with a imagination or anyone who thinks for them selves. Art doesn't have to be a beautiful painting or a detailed life size sculpture. Art is anything that makes one question anything. Hell one could call this manifesto art. but thats the thing, art is not determined by a select few. Art is a constant that over powers any force. You can't kill art because art is a "fancy" idea. Ideas are invincible. The way art makes you think improves your knowledge of who you are. By making you think it gives you the possibility of alternative ideas. You get to choose what you like, what you don't like and what you want to be like. You don't have to agree to something to have that piece of art change your mindset. Art can be ugly, yet through the ugly you can determine what you believe to be beautiful. Anything that makes you feel an emotion is art, because it made you feel something. 
Artist have used aliases for generations. I believe the reason they choose to remain unknown or known as someone else, is because that they see that the art is what is important. You admire the art not the artist. The artist may be where the idea originated from, but is not the idea. As Banksy once said, "The time of getting fame for your name on its own is over. Artwork that is only about wanting to be famous will never make you famous. Any fame is a by-product of making something that means something. You don't go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to have a shit." Banksy is one of the most world wide modern day artist at this time. He chooses to do his work on the streets. By doing so he has shown society that art isn't only in museums and in art shows. It is all around us. He points out societies flaws and weaknesses to show his ideas and to make them relative to the general population. His beliefs are shown within his art work and his artwork is all around the world, available to public for free. He knows people love , hate, or just don't care about him. He doesn't do it for fame or money, he does it solely as a form of expression.

Thats a "sort" rant on what i see art as. I most likely have a lot more to say but i'm done typing for now

Peace, love, unity, and freedom

Random Manifesto II - "ANARCHISM"

Yet again this is another note that i am writing that most likely 1-2 kids will actually read. But i'm not writing these for literature, i'm writing this as a way of explaining my mindset. So if you would like to know partially what makes me think.

I'm going to start off by saying I don't believe in anarchism like people believe in other forms of politics. I believe in anarchism like some believe in peace. Anarchism to me is an ideal in which my "dream" society would be. I don't believe it would work in our modern day society, but anyone that thinks peace is would work would be considered ignorant to human nature. The majority of people would wish for peace amongst the world, but the majority of people lack the initiative to act for what they believe in. A majority of anarchist ( and the ignorant "self-proclaimed" anarchists) do not lack this initiative and in many cases they are 100% willing to protest what they believe in, no matter what the penalty would be. Now I say "self-proclaimed anarchist" because many ignorant people see anarchy as being the stereotypical definition "chaos from a lack of government". That itself is the most common and widespread misconception of anarchism. When the west was giving a bad name for communism they also gave a bad name for any other government system. Idiots that call themselves anarchist that just want to be morons throwing bricks also give a bad name to anarchism. They claim to be anarchist, yet they can't tell you the meaning of anarchism. Anarchism is not chaos. Its not punks getting back at society. Anarchism is the complete opposite to what most people believe it to be. The main principle of anarchism is equality. We can all agree that equality isn't a negative trait to belong in any society. With equality another principle would be unity. Unity is important because the only way for a society of this nature to work is if everyone works together. Another common misconception is that all anarchist believe in a quick violent revolution. That itself is false. A lot of anarchist believe in a slow education-driven revolution where books not bricks are the weapon. In matter of fact a violent revolution is counter-productive to the cause that they are fighting for. The importance of a slow revolution is not wether it succeeds or not but rather to spread the knowledge of anarchism. The majority of people lack this knowledge of anarchism yet they feel so strongly against it. They do not understand anarchism and yet they get defensive about their beliefs as if anarchism was a threat. The only threat that is related with this entire "manifesto" are idiots and ignorance.

My conclusion is that anarchism is an asymptote in politics. We can get really close to it, but we can never achieve a 100% anarchist society. Jimi Hendrix once said, "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace". Human nature is also the human flaw in a sense. We are greedy and only see our problems with hindsight. As fall into the inevitable dystopia, take time to think of your own imaginary utopia, and with that image dream....

I'm going to state that what i just wrote could possible piss some people off and i would like you to know i don't care. This is merely my point of view on the topic of anarchism. I'm not trying to force anything upon anyone. 

Again that is not the definition of anarchism but instead just my perception of the concept.
If you read all this DAMN!!! I somehow have the attention span to write it, but not the attention span to re-read it for errors.

(A)narchy, (E)quality, Unity, Peace, and love -Phiggy (yeah i know using an alias is useless, but what the hell).

Random Manifesto III - "Urban ART"

I am writing this manifesto after the recent event of Shepard Fairly's arrest on his way to his own art exhibit. I am by no means politically correct. keep that in mind for all i am doing is venting my current thoughts into one hell of an essay. Don't try to argue with me. you won't win. Anyways why would you try to change my beliefs on the world? Does your life suck so much that you've given up on it and want to control someone else's to compensate. (haha no one has argued with me yet, i might just try to provoke people know :P)

Shepard's so called "art atrocity" campaign was nothing more than art places in strategic positions around cities across the world. His goal was nothing more than to bring contemporary art to the public, instead of vice versa. His work reflected his life and beliefs. Half of the country rejoiced his obama stencil not knowing it was nothing more than street art.

Obey Giants famous obama sign

His art circulated around the obama supporters. My question is that if everyone knew it was "graffiti" would they adore it as much as they did? The answer i have come to is NO! People despise all art on the streets as being mindless and a violation to the freedom of the town (somehow). 

Don't get me wrong that scribble shit sucks. I don't call that art. Showing us your name doesn't express anything. Your wasting space on the wall. Stop that!

The police waited till he was outside his exhibit to arrest him. That is a dick move on their part. haha. Honestly i hope some of those damn scribblers go write SkF or what ever their damn names are, all over the police station. 

My verdict is stop being ass holes to artists. They will paint your wall (if they haven't already).
The day they capture Banksy is the day i write a F-ing book. I'm pissed off as is that they captured Obey Giant.


Thats the menace himself.

Its sad that the world goes after a mate with paint, and over looks murderers, rapist, and other VIOLENT criminals. The punishment for vandalism is worst than that of assault or stealing. The true victims of "urban art" are artist. 
Atleast they have something they believe in and don't live horrible meaningless lives that focus on tomorrow rather than tonight!

I'm sure that the 3 minutes it takes to "vandalize" a wall is worth more to them than a lifetime of nothing.

I'm sure if i re-read this i would delete some stupid things i said but i don't want to. I want this to be a direct port from my true thoughts.

if you have something to say, say it don't be a mindless zombie that is afraid of expressing their thoughts because of a fear of other peoples opinions on yourself. You are only as good as you make yourself.

Ever since i was little i was told to "be a leader not a follower", and i take that to my heart. Its not import to have followers, but rather important to follow yourself.

i'm gonna stop my A.D.D. ranting now.